Braz Coelho Veras Lessa Bueno

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Railway Authorizations - Rumo S/A

Legal assistance for the company Rumo S.A. to obtain a permission to operate railway stretches in the Brazilian territory.

Rail Concession - Malha Norte (EF-364)

Legal assistance to the company Rumo S A for the extension of Malha Norte, with the construction, operation, and maintenance of a railroad stretch between the cities of Cuiabá ( and Lucas do Rio Verde (MT).

Railway Infrastructure - Ultracargo
Brasil, Paraná

Legal assistance to Ultracargo on issues involving rail and port infrastructure.

Internal Railroad - Port of Santos
Brasil, Santos

Legal assistance toRumo S.A. on the expansion of the Port of Santos Internal Railway, which currently handles 45 million tons.

Railway Concession - West-east integration (FIOL)

Legal and regulatory assistance to the concessionaire BAFER for the execution of the West East Integration Railway Concession (FIOL).

Highway concession - Linha Amarela (LAMSA)
Brasil, RJ

Government takeover of Linha Amarela in Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Our services included work on Regulatory Administrative Proceedings, Legal Opinions, and drafting theses for legal proceedings.

Highway concession - BR-040 (DF-MG)

Legal and regulatory assistance in the re-bidding process for the 040 Highway Concession, owned by the Invepar Group. The concession comprises the management of the 936.8-kilometer stretch of the BR-040, between Brasília (DF) and Juiz de Fora (MG). The concession contract term is 30 years for one of Brazil’s main highways.

Highway concession - Rota Do Sol (RSC453/ERS486)
Brasil, RS

Legal Opinion on the economic and financial rebalancing of the Rota do Sol Highway Concession, which is 737 km long, connecting the far west of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, from the city of São Borja to the Northern coast of the same state, in the city of Terra de Areia.

Hydroeletric concession - Santa Branca HPP
Brasil, Tibaji

Project to build a hydroelectric power plant (“Santa Branca HPP”) on the Tibagi River (PR), with an installed capacity of 62 MW and CAPEX of approximately BRL400 million. The project involves a public concession for the exploitation of hydroelectric power for 35 years, granted at the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency’s (ANEEL) 2016 A-5 Auction.

Hydroeletric concession - Magessi HPP
Brasil, Nova Ubiratã

Project to implement the Magessi HPP, on the Teles Pires River (MT), with an installed capacity of 53 MW and CAPEX of approximately BRL370 million. The project involves a public concession for exploring hydroelectric power for 35 years, as granted by the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

Hydroeletric license - Confluência SHPP
Brasil, Prudentópolis

Project to build the Confluência SHPP, on the Marrecas River (Paraná), with an installed capacity of 27 MW. The project involves public license to explore hydroelectric power for 30 years, granted by ANEEL.

Hydroelectric License - Córrego Fundo SHPP
Brasil, Paraná

Project to set up the Córrego Fundo SHPP, on the Pirapó River (PR), with an installed capacity of 10 MW. The project involves public permission to exploit hydroelectric power for 30 years, granted by ANEEL.

Hydroelectric License - Rio Grandina SHPP
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Project to implement the Rio Grandina SHPP, in Rio Grande (RJ), with an installed capacity of 7.1 MW. The project involves public permission to exploit hydroelectric power for a period of 30 years, granted by ANEEL.

Hydroelectric License - Salto Jardim SHPP
Brasil, PR/SC

Project to implement the Salto Jardim SHPP, on the Jangada River (PR/SC), with an installed capacity of 26.2MW. The project involves public permission to exploit hydroelectric power for a period of 30 years, granted by ANEEL.

Hydroelectric License - Santana SHPP
Brasil, Nortelândia

Project to build the Santana SHPP, on the Sant’Ana River, with an installed capacity of 15MW. The project involves a public permission to explore hydroelectric power for 30 years, granted by ANEEL.

Hydroelectric License - Recanto SHPP
Brasil, Tangará da Serra

Legal assistance on renegotiating the hydrological risk (GSF) of the Recanto SHPP, with an installed capacity of 9.1MW. The project involves a public permission to explore hydroelectric power for 30 years, granted by ANEEL.

Hydroelectric License - Foz SHPP
Brasil, Francisco Beltrão

Legal assistance on Previous and Implantation Licenses issues, as well as on the technical and economic viability of the Foz SHPP. Project to implement the Foz SHPP, with an installed capacity of 7MW. The project involves public license to explore hydroelectric power for 30 years, granted by ANEEL.

Hydroelectric License - Foz do Santana SHPP
Brasil, São João

Legal assistance and representation of Foz do Santana SHPP before ANEEL, in an administrative process to exclude liability and renegotiate the physical-financial schedule of the project to set up the Foz do Santana SHPP, on the Chopin River (Paraná), with an installed capacity of 25 MW.

Photovoltaic Complex - Marangatu PHPP
Brasil, Brasileira

Legal assistance involving the structuring of the Marangatu PHPP project and M&A, involving the InterAlli Group and Canadian Solar, comprising a complex of photovoltaic plants totaling more than 300MW of installed capacity, in the city of Brasileira, in the countryside of Piauí.

Photovoltaic Complex - Brasileira UFV
Brazil, Piauí

Legal assistance involving the development of the UFV Carnaúba project, formed by a complex of photovoltaic plants with an installed capacity of more than 232MW, with an approximate CAPEX of BRL 1.1 billion.

Photovoltaic Complex - Belo Horizonte PVPP
Brasil, Ceará

Legal assistance involving the structuring of the Belo Horizonte PVPP project and M&A between the British fund PowerTree Ltd. and Camar, comprising a complex of photovoltaic plants totaling more than 200MW of installed capacity.

Photovoltaic Complex - Carnaúba PHPP
Brasil, Piauí

Legal assistance involving the structuring of the Carnaúba PHPP project, comprising a complex of photovoltaic plants totaling 392MW of installed capacity, with CAPEX of approximately BRL2 billion. Legal assistance included the M&A operation for the sale of the project to Canadian Solar.

Seropédica Biogas Plant
Brasil, Seropédica

Legal assistance on an energy supply contract for the Biogas Plant in Seropédica (RJ), with a production capacity of 200,000 m³ per day of biomethane and CAPEX of BRL300 million. Project developed and built by Gás Verde S.A., a joint venture formed by Arcadis Logos and the JMalucelli Group.

Nova Iguaçu TTP
Brasil, Nova Iguaçu

Legal assistance involving an energy supply contract for the Biogas Thermal Power Plant in Nova Iguaçu (RJ), with an installed capacity of 18 MW and use of 9,500 m³ of biogas per hour through 12 generating units. The project was developed by a joint venture between Arcadis Logos and the JMalucelli Group

Port of Açu
Brasil, São João da Barra

Design and implementation of the project since 2007, working on regulatory, environmental, socio-environmental (resettlement and expropriation), land and strategic litigation issues.

Sudeste Port
Brasil, Itaguaí

Design and implementation of the project since 2007, working on strategic regulatory issues (ports and railroads), as well as environmental licensing, land claims and strategic litigation.

Ferroport and Mining Pipeline
Brasil, São João da Barra

Design and implementation of the project, comprising the Minas-Rio mining pipeline and the implementation of the port terminal resulting from the joint venture between Anglo and Prumo.

TESC - Santa Catarina Terminal
Brasil, São Francisco do Sul

Legal advice on the design and operationalization of the expansion of the Terminal, including environmental and regulatory licensing.

Itapoá Port
Brasil, Itapoá

Legal advice on the design and operationalization of the expansion of the Terminal, including environmental and regulatory licensing.

Port Leases Santos Brazil

Legal opinions, submission of economic and financial rebalancing claims to the Ministry of Infrastructure, and support in strategic litigation.

Privatization of the Santos Port
Brasil, Santos

Legal advice to clients on the ongoing public consultation process.

Privatization of the Itajaí Port
Brasil, Itajaí

Legal advice to clients on the ongoing public consultation process.

Subway Concession - State of Rio De Janeiro
Brasil, Rio de Janeiro

Legal consultancy involving the Rio de Janeiro Subway Concession and the signing of addenda 7 and 8, involving economic-financial rebalancing issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, the change in the adjustment index, and the change in the forms of rebalancing.

Water Transport Concession - CCR Barcas
Brasil, Rio de Janeiro

Regulatory consultancy for the Rio de Janeiro Passenger Water Transportation Concession Contract (CCR Barcas).

Public Transportation Concession - Curitiba (RMC)
Brasil, Região Metropolitana de Curitiba

Legal and regulatory advice on the Public Transportation Concession Contract for the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba (PR).

Public Transportation Concession - Foz do Iguaçu
Brasil, Foz do Iguaçu

Legal consultancy advice on the Public Transportation Concession Contract for the Foz do Iguaçu (PR).

Public Transportation SBE - Curitiba (PR)
Brasil, Curitiba

Legal consultancy on an administrative contract for the implementation and maintenance of the Electronic Ticketing System (SBE) for public transportation in Curitiba (PR), involving Urbanização de Curitiba (URBS), Coordenação da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba (COMEC), and the public transportation concessionaires.

Public Transportation SBE - São Luís (MA)
Brasil, São Luís

Legal consultancy involving an administrative contract for the implementation and maintenance of the Electronic Ticketing System for public transportation in São Luís (MA).

Public Transportation SBE - Arequipa (Peru)
Peru, Arequipa

Legal consultancy on the concession contract for the implementation of the Electronic Ticketing System of the Integrated System of the City of Arequipa, Peru, comprising the fleet and passenger control system for 15 years, involving 2 main routes, 42 feed routes, and 35 structuring routes.

Public Transportation SBE - Cartagena (Colombia)
Colômbia, Cartagena

Legal consultancy on the concession contract for the implementation and operation of the Cartagena de Indias Integrated Passenger Transportation System, in Colombia, for a term of 19 years.

Sanitation - References (BID and ANA)

Legal and regulatory consultancy for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (ANA) for the issue of reference standards for the universalization of basic sanitation. Work carried out with PEZCO Economics.

Sanitation Concession (Blocks 1 and 4) - CEDAE
Brasil, Rio de Janeiro

Legal and regulatory consultancy involving blocks 1 and 4 of the Rio de Janeiro Water and Sewage Concession (CEDAE).

Airport Slots - UN (UNDP) and min. of Economy

Legal consultancy for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Ministry of Economy for the development of airport slots. Work carried out with PEZCO Economics.

Offset Guide - ICC and ECCO
França, Paris

Drafting of the “ICC/ECCO Guide to International Offset Contracts”, developed by ICC Global and ECCO (European Club for Countertrade & Offset).

Offset Agreement for the FX-2 Project (Gripen) - TCU
Brasil, Brasília

Legal consultancy to the Federal Accounting Court (TCU) to validate the audit matrix of the FX-2 Project Offset Contract of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) for the acquisition of 36 Gripen NG supersonic fighters from the Swedish company SAAB.

Traffic Lights Center in Rio De Janeiro (RJ)
Brasil, Rio de Janeiro

Legal consultancy involving the administrative contract for the implementation of the traffic light center and the Operational Control Center (CCO) for the entire city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

Traffic Control System of Florianópolis (SC)
Brasil, Florianópolis

Legal advice on the bidding process held by the city of Florianópolis to hire a company specializing in supplying equipment for the implementation of the Traffic Control System, including technical support and training.


Legal consultancy on administrative contracts for the National Electronic Speed Control Program (PNCV), promoted by DNIT, a BRL4 billion project for the implementation of speed control equipment (radars) on federal highways managed by the agency.

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