- Oil and Gas
- Energy
- Heavy Construction and Engineering
- Highways and Railways
- Urban Mobility
- Passenger Transportation
- Administrative Dishonesty
- Leniency Agreements
- Accounting Courts
Paulo Vinicius Liebl Fernandes.
Paulo Vinicius Liebl Fernandes is a partner in the firm’s Infrastructure and Regulatory department. He has extensive experience in the field of procurement contracts and control of the Public Administration, with emphasis on legal advice in bidding procedures, public service concession contracts, public-private partnerships (PPPs), contracts with the Third Sector, as well as in proceedings before the Accounting Courts. He provides both consultancy and litigation services involving procurement contracts, bidding proceedings, regulatory issues, control of the public administration, and other matters pertaining to the Administrative Law. Paulo is also involved in the anti-corruption area, with experience in administrative misconduct actions and execution of settlements with sanctioning bodies (Non-Prosecution and Management Adjustment Agreements). He is an associate member of the Paraná Institute of Administrative Law (IPDA) and the Administrative Sanctions Law Institute (IDASAN).
- Bachelor’s degree in law from UFPR.
- Specialization in Administrative Law from the Romeu Felipe Bacellar Institute.
- Specialization in Land Use, Urban Planning and Environmental Law from the Center for Land Use, Urban Planning and Environmental Law Studies of the University of Coimbra.
- Master’s degree in Public Law from USP.
- Associate Member of IPDA.
- Associate Member of IDASAN.
- FERNANDES, P. V. L. As Possibilidades de Denunciação da Lide do Agente Público nas Ações de Responsabilidade Civil do Estado. In: BRUNETTO, Caroline Araújo; REIS, Clayton; REIS; Guilherme Alberge; VENAZZI, Karen Fabricia; SOUZA, Márcia Regina Nunes. (Org.). Temas Atuais e Relevantes da Responsabilidade Civil. 3rd ed. Curitiba: Instituto Memória, 2018, v. I, pages 195-210.
- FERNANDES, P. V. L. A Lei nº 14.026/2020 e as possibilidades de constituição de empresas privadas com participação estatal no setor de saneamento básico. In: PEREZ, Marcos Augusto; SOUZA, Rodrigo Pagani de; CUNHA FILHO, Alexandre Jorge Carneiro da. Desafios da nova regulação do saneamento no Brasil. São Paulo: Quartien Latin, 2021.
- FERNANDES, P. V. L. GUIMARÃES, Edgar. Repercussões da Lei nº 13.655/2018 sobre a atividade decisória dos Tribunais de Contas. In: Thiago Priess Valiati; Luis Alberto Hungaro; Gabriel Morettini e Castella. (Org.). A Lei de Introdução e o Direito Administrativo Brasileiro. 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2019.
- FARIA, LUZARDO; CHARLES, G. C. ; FERNANDES, P. V. L. ; BIANCHI, B. G. O princípio da vedação ao retrocesso socioambiental e o Código Florestal: uma análise empírica dos incidentes de inconstitucionalidades suscitados em face da Lei nº 12.651/2012. REJU – Revista Jurídica da OAPEC, v. 3, pages 1-46, 2016.
- FERNANDES, P. V. L; GUIMARÃES, Edgar. A regulamentação dos arts. 20, 21, 22 e 28 da LINDB pelo Decreto nº 9.830/2019. Revista Zênite ILC – Informativo de Licitações e Contratos, Curitiba: Zênite, No. 306, pages 775-789, Aug. 2019, Scholars’ section.
- FERNANDES, P. V. L. STF reforça modelo de cooperação entre entes federados do novo marco do saneamento. Subject: 11.445/2007 (Jota).