Braz Coelho Veras Lessa Bueno
Felipe Henrique Braz


+55 (41) 3044-4400
Curitiba - PR



  • Oil and Gas
  • Energy
  • Construction and Engineering
  • Highways and Railways
  • Passenger Transportation
  • Domestic Arbitration
  • International Arbitration
  • Dispute Boards


Felipe Henrique Braz.



Felipe H. Braz is a partner and head of the Infrastructure & Regulatory department, as well as of the Arbitration & ADR department. Felipe has recognized experience in infrastructure and regulatory matters, focusing on projects involving private investments in regulated sectors, such as Energy, Oil & Gas, Airports, Ports and Highways. As a legal consultant, he has provided advice on some of Brazil’s major infrastructure projects, particularly in the energy sector. His practice is also focused on arbitration proceedings related to construction and infrastructure matters. Felipe has represented clients in arbitration proceedings before the ICC, LCIA, CAM-CCBC, CAM-FGV, CIESP/FIESP, CAMFIEP, CBMA, SMA, etc. He is recognized by the main rankings of lawyers, such as Chambers and Partners, Leaders League, and The Legal 500, for his performance in the dispute resolution area, with emphasis on arbitration. He is a Professor at the LL.M. in Infrastructure and Regulatory Law at FGV-RJ. He is the Chairman of the Energy Commission of the Brazilian Institute of Regulatory Law (IBDRE). In 2017, he was rapporteur for the International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) Public Procurement Task Force in Brazil and co-editor of the “ICC/ECCO Guide to International Offset Contracts”, an international guide with guidelines for international offset transactions published by ICC Global (Paris) and the European Club for Countertrade and Offset (ECC). Felipe is also the rapporteur for ICC Brazil’s task force on the Modernization of the Brazilian Electricity Sector and is responsible for coordinating the ICC’s studies and guidance on the Electricity Sector, presented to the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Mines and Energy. He is also a member of the ICC Arbitration Committee and of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr).


Chambers & Partners

  • Energy & Natural Resources: Power – 2024
  • General Business Law: Paraná – Up and Coming – 2024

“Notable practictioners – Felipe Henrique Braz is a key contact in the firm.”

Leaders League

  • Arbitration – Notable Practices – 2024
  • Civil and Commercial Litigation – Notable Practices – 2024
  • Corporate/Commercial: South – Recommended – 2024
The Legal 500
  • City Focus: Curitiba – Band 2 – 2023

Leading the group is founding partner Felipe Henrique Braz, who is highly regarded as a ‘great strategist and creator of solutions to complex issues’.”


  • Bachelor of Laws – Positivo University – “Judge Tadeu R. da Fonseca” Award (Summa cum laude);
  • MBA in Electrical Sector Business – Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) (Interrupted));
  • Specialization in “Economic Law and Infrastructure” – University of São Paulo (USP).


  • “Felipe Braz is a leading member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Felipe has worked not only at the international level – bringing his legal & technical expertise – but also conducted several meetings and consultations with the private sector, notably airspace companies such as Embraer that are important users of offset contracts. Within the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR, Felipe has also played an important role in a task-force working to improve clauses of arbitration for infrastructure projects. His ability to formulate and set forth proposals for international self-regulatory projects within ICC has been outstanding.”

Gabriel Petrus, ICC Deputy Director of Global Services


  • “Desembargador Ricardo T. M. da Fonseca Award”, for the 2nd place in the Monographs Contest of the Positivo University Law Course.


  • Chairman of the Energy Commission of the Brazilian Institute of Regulatory Law (IBDRE);
    Professor at the LL.M. in Infrastructure and Regulatory Law at FGV-RJ;
  • Professor of the Specialization in Law Program at PUC-PR.
  • Guest Professor of International Arbitration at the Specialization Program of the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law (ABDConst).
  • Co-editor of the “ICC/ECCO Guide to International Offset Contracts”, a guide with standards and guidelines for international offset transactions, developed by ICC Global (International Chamber of Commerce) and ECCO (European Club for Countertrade & Offset).
  • Rapporteur of the task-force of “Modernization of the Brazilian Electric Sector” of ICC Brazil, responsible for coordinating the studies and guidance of the ICC on the sector, to be presented to the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Mines and Energy.
  • Rapporteur of the “Offset Contracts” task-force of ICC Brazil, responsible for conducting the national task-force and representing Brazil before the ICC Global Committee in Paris.
  • Member of the Arbitration Committee of ICC Brazil.
  • Member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr).
  • Member of CBAr’s Working Group on “Expert Analyzes in Construction Arbitration”.
  • Founding member of the Brazil Infrastructure Institute.
  • Member of the Infrastructure Commission of the Paraná Chapter of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB-PR) (2019-2020).


  • FREITAS, Rafael Véras de; BRAZ, Felipe Henrique. Equilíbrio econômico‑financeiro das concessões de distribuição de energia: o desafio da geração distribuída. Revista Brasileira de Direito Público – RBDP, Belo Horizonte, ano 22, n. 84, p. 127‑161, jan./mar. 2024.
  • FREITAS, Rafael Véras de; BRAZ, Felipe Henrique. O impacto da geração distribuída nas concessões de distribuição de energia. Canal Energia. Coluna de Artigos. 22 de janeiro de 2024.
  • FREITAS, Rafael Véras de; BRAZ, Felipe Henrique. O Marco Regulatório da Geração Distribuída (GD): um trade off entre a sustentabilidade e a higidez dos contratos de Distribuição. Coluna Direito da Infraestrutura. Editora Fórum. 17 de abril de 2023.
  • BRAZ, Felipe Henrique. BIANCHI, Bruno Guimarães. Rescisão dos contratos de concessão para geração de energia hidrelétrica em virtude da não emissão de licenças ambientais. Revista de Contratos Públicos – RCP, Belo Horizonte, year 11, No. 21, pages 113-130, Mar/Aug 2022.
  • BRAZ, Felipe Henrique; BORDA, Daniel Siqueira. A escolha da instituição arbitral pela Administração Pública. In: MARINONI, Luiz Guilherme; LEITÃO, Cristina Bichels. Arbitragem e Direito Processual. São Paulo: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2021.
  • BRAZ, Felipe Henrique; BORDA, Daniel Siqueira. Arbitragem no Novo Marco do Saneamento Básico. In: GUIMARÃES, Bernardo Strobel; VASCONCELOS, Andréa Costa de; HOHMANN, Ana Carolina (Coord.). Novo marco legal do saneamento. Belo Horizonte: Fórum, 2021.
  • BRAZ, Felipe Henrique; BORDA, Daniel Siqueira. O modelo FIDIC Silver Book de Contrato EPC/Turn Key. In: JUSTEN FILHO, Marçal; SILVA, Marco Aurélio Barcelos (Coord.). Direito da Infraestrutura: estudos e temas relevantes. Belo Horizonte: Fórum, 2019.
  • BRAZ, Felipe Henrique; BORDA, Daniel Siqueira. Comentários ao Artigo 27 da LINDB. In: CUNHA FILHO, Alexandre Jorge Carneiro da; ISSA, Rafael Hamze; SCHWIND, Rafael Wallbach. (Org.). Lei de Introdução às Normas do Direito Brasileiro Anotada, v. 2. 1st ed. São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2019.
  • BRAZ, Felipe Henrique. O Serviço de Transporte Coletivo e a Ilegalidade do Controle do Sistema de Bilhetagem Eletrônica pelo Concessionário. In: FREITAS, Rafael Véras de; RIBEIRO, Leonardo Coelho; FEIGELSON, Bruno (Coord.). Regulação e Novas Tecnologias. Belo Horizonte: Fórum, 2017.
  • BRAZ, Felipe Henrique. O dogma da regra per se na análise do ilícito antitruste. In: RIBEIRO, Marcia Carla Pereira; KLEIN, Vinicius (orgs.). Reflexões acerca do Direito Empresarial e a Análise Econômica do Direito. 1st ed. Curitiba: GEDAI-UFPR, 2014. pages 259-293.
  • BRAZ, Felipe Henrique; BIANCHI, Bruno Guimarães. Legislative innovations in the Brazilian infrastructure sector (Law 13,448 of 2017). International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Newsletter. Issue No. 2. February 2018.
  • BRAZ, Felipe Henrique; Moraes, Lívia. A revisão da Convenção de Arbitragem da CCEE. Revista Migalhas. Ribeirão Preto: October 11, 2017.
  • BRAZ, Felipe Henrique. Óbices contemporâneos da democracia substancial. Jornal Estado do Paraná. Curitiba: February 29, 2012.
  • BRAZ, Felipe Henrique. O Desenvolvimento Econômico sob a ótica dos Direitos Humanos. Jornal Estado do Paraná. Curitiba: December 6, 2011.
  • BRAZ, Felipe Henrique. O avanço brasileiro na política de combate aos cartéis. Boletim Trimestral. Edição Comemorativa dos 50 anos do Escritório Professor René Dotti. Year 7. No. 12. April/May/June. Curitiba: 2011 (Bulletin).
  • BRAZ, Felipe Henrique. O Direito ao Desenvolvimento. Boletim Trimestral do Escritório Professor René Dotti. Ÿear 6. No. 14. October/November/December. Curitiba: 2011 (Bulletin).


  • Webinar: Setor Elétrico em Debate. Subject: “Modernização do Setor Elétrico”. Organized by: NUDDA-UFPR (Núcleo Discente de Direito Administrativo da UFPR). Curitiba, 2020. Streamed on YouTube.
  • Congresso Brasileiro de Direito de Energia: a interação entre a Academia e o Mercado. Subject: “Repactuação do Risco Hidrológico (GSF) na Geração de Energia”. Organized by: PUC-PR. Curitiba, 2019.
  • Legal Energy. Subject: “Aspectos Contratuais de Projetos de Geração de Energia”. Organized by: The Legal Hub. Curitiba, 2019.
  • Congresso Brasileiro de Direito de Energia: a interação entre a Academia e o Mercado. Tema: “Repactuação do Risco Hidrológico (GSF) na Geração de Energia”. Organização: PUCPR. Curitiba, 2019.
  • VII Seminario Internacional de Arbitraje de Inversión: el futuro del Arbitraje de Inversión en Latinoamérica. Subject: “Convenios Bilaterales para la Promoción y Protección Recíproca de Inversiones (BITs) y de los TLCs en la promoción del arbitraje internacional”. Organized by: CAM-Santiago (Centro de Arbitraje y Mediación) and IPA (Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje). Santiago – Chile, 2019.
  • I Congresso Brasileiro de Direito de Energia: a revisão do tratado da Itaipu Binacional. Subject: “Impacto Regulatório do Risco Hidrológico (GSF)”. Organized by: PUC-PR. Curitiba, 2019.
  • Semana Acadêmica de Direito da PUC-PR – Panel III de Direito Administrativo. Subject: “Arbitragem e Infraestrutura”. Organized by: PUC-PR. Curitiba, 2017.
  • 7º Simpósio de Mobilidade Urbana. Subject: “Regimes Licitatórios e Contratação Pública”. Organized by: Dataprom. Florianópolis, 2017.
  • 6º Simpósio de Mobilidade Urbana. Subject: “Licitações e Contratos Administrativos”. Organized by: Dataprom. São Paulo, 2016.